Friday, May 31, 2019

anthrax Essay -- essays research papers

Could someone use anthrax for a larger dishonour on American cities?Unfortunately, yes-and they could also use any of a series of other germs, some more lethal than anthrax. But its not simple to get anthrax, and its not easy to deploy. The Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo tried to spread anthrax from its Tokyo office building in 1993 and failed dismally. Experts disagree on how dangerous it would be if someone sprinkled anthrax in, say, an office ventilation system or a subway car, but any larger attack would be hard to pull off.Which countries make anthrax?Government officials say America no longer has a bioweapons program, although the military continues to use anthrax for defensive purposes such as vaccine development. More than a dozen other countries may have programs that could make anthrax, including big powers (Russia, China, India), distinctly unfriendly countries (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, North Korea, Cuba), and American consort (Israel, Egypt, South Africa, South Korea). More than 40 germ banks in the United States and around the world supply anthrax for scientific research.Has anthrax been used as a weapon before?Yes. Germany tried halfheartedly to use it during World War I. During World War II, most warring parties had biowarf atomic number 18 programs Japan used anthrax in China. During the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union set up large biowarfare programs. President Nixon banned the production and use of biological warfare agents in 1969. The Soviets carried on in 1979, an anthrax leak from a Soviet weapons plant killed more than 60 people.WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT ANTHRAX The discovery of anthrax in mail sent to government offices and news organizations has Americans worried. The good news is that the disease is rare. It is extremely unlikely that children would be exposed to the disease. Junior Scholastic had these questions for U.S. Surgeon familiar Dr. David Satcher Q What is anthrax? A Anthrax is a disease caused by bacteria. It most parking arealy bumps in animals such as sheep or goats, but can occur in people exposed to the bacteria. Q How is it spread? A Anthrax is not contagious -- it cannot be transmitted from person to person. Infection can occur (1) if spores immortalize through breaks in the skin (2) through inhaling anthrax spores and (3) through the digestive system. Q Is anthrax treatable? A Anthrax is very treatable. ... ...cades Ricin, another threat, is regarded as one of the go deadliest poisons known. There are no vaccines or antitoxins available for treatment of ricin exposure. Ricin was reportedly used in the assassination of Georgi Markov in London, in 1978, and an American, tom turkey Lavy, tried to import ricin into the United States in 1995. No doubt, ricin will appear again it is a protein easily extracted from one of the worlds most common crops, the Castor plant, source of the more familiar Castor Oil. Other weapons in the terrorist arsenal are as readily available. Anyone can still purchase plant food and fuel oil and concoct ANFO. Many biological and chemical agents can be produced or grown in simple laboratories with off-the-shelf equipment, such as refrigerators, separators, dryers, and fermentors. Nuclear bombs are not regarded by experts as an immediate threat because of the rarity of plutonium-239 and uranium-235. But other radioactive materials, such as cobalt-90, carbon-14, or cesium-137, are commonly used at industrial and medical sites. A chemical bomb laced with radiological contaminants could create widespread social disruption and chance on the attackers central goal terror.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Good Earth: Summary Essay -- essays research papers

The Good Earth SummaryWang Lung was the son of a peasant farmer. When it came for him to marry,his father chose a break ones back young lady from the sign of Hwang who was hardworking. O-lan, Wang Lungs wife was a good wife for Wang Lung. She did not wasteanything, and made items such as shoes for the family so Wang Lung could savehis specie for former(a) things.. She worked endlessly for Wang Lung and his father,and even helped Wang Lung plow the field. One day while helping on the field,O-lan went inside and bore their first child. Luckily, it was a boy. Girls atthat time were of all time slaves, or married to other familys sons. They namedhim Nung Wen.Before leaving the house of Hwang earlier, O-lan promised to bring theirfirst child to pay respects to the house. That year, the harvest was good, soWang Lung bought new clothe for O-lan, the baby, and himself. After payingtheir respects, Wang Lung made a deal with the house of Hwang and bought a plotof good land just outside t he house. One year later, other boy was born andwas named Nung En.Wang Lungs third child was a disaster. non only was it a girl, but shewas born retarded. That summer, a drought hit the area where Wang Lung lived,and it did not rain for months. There was little harvest, and soon all of thewheat was gone. Starving, Wang Lung had his ox killed for food, but could notbear to watch because the beast had been so faithful to him. Not having anymoney, Wang Lung sold the furniture in his house for a few silver pieces. Hisfourth child was born in the drought, and was born dead. The family was forcedto melt South to find food, so with the money he made from selling thefurniture, Wang Lung paid train fare to go down south.On the train, Wang Lung spent slightly more money to buy material so theycould build a hut when they reached the city. At the city, they built theirhut, and discovered a kitchen where for almost no money at all, a person couldeat all of the rice they wanted. Wang Lung bou ght enough rice for his family,and they ate it heartily. Now, Wang Lung needed money again, so the next dayhe rented a ricksha to transport the rich around the city for money, and O-lanand the children begged for money. After paying the rent for the ricksha, WangLung did not make a lot, but it was enough to sup... ...e opium, and began to puzzle Wang Lungs older sons wife by talkingdirty and walking around with his robe open. Seeing this, Nung Wen became veryangry and Wang Lung rented a portion of the house of Hwang. The uncle and hiswife were left in the country with their opium, and the uncles son left tojoin the army.When Ching died, Wang Lung stopped farming and rented out his land,hoping that his youngest son would tend the land, but when he took a girl thathis youngest son liked, his youngest son ran away from home and joined the army.When Wang Lungs death came near, he moved back to the country to bewith his land. He brought only his slave Pear Blossom, that his youngest so nloved, and his first daughter that was simple. One day as he was looking atthe fields with his sons, he heard them talking some how they were going tospend their inheritance and what they would do with the money they would makefrom selling the land. Wang Lung cried out that they must never sell the landbecause only with land could they be sure of earning a living. But Wang Lungdid not see his sons look at each other over his head and grin.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Pearl: Depictions Of Life Essays -- essays research papers

The Pearl Depictions of LifeIn John Steinbecks The Pearl, a destitute pearl diver finds a jumbopearl with which he hopes to debauch peace and happiness for his family. Instead,he learns that the valuable pearl can not buy happiness but only prohibit hissimple life. Throughout the fable, there is a constant theme woven through thecharacters and setting which encompasses the struggle among social classes tobecome successful. Steinbeck, a novelist known for his practical(prenominal) depictions oflife, portrays this motif through Kino, the doctor, Coyotito, and the township of LaPaz.John Earnst Steinbeck, author of The Pearl and many other stories, wasborn on February 27, 1902, in Salinas, California. Both his father, who ran a dredge mill, and his mother, a teacher, encouraged him to import once they saw hisearly interest in literature. Steinbeck began his career by writing articlesfor his school newspaper and by fetching classes at Stanford University. At the corresponding tim e, he worked at a local ranch where he witnessed the harsh treatment ofmigrant workers. These underpriveleged laborers later served as the transportfor many of his novels, including The Grapes of Wrath. The Pearl, another ardor from his past, originated from a legend about the misfortunes of apoor boy who found a giant pearl that was told to Steinbeck while on a trip toMexico.Kino, the booster dose in The Pearl, is an hone... The Pearl Depictions Of Life Essays -- essays research papers The Pearl Depictions of LifeIn John Steinbecks The Pearl, a destitute pearl diver finds a giantpearl with which he hopes to buy peace and happiness for his family. Instead,he learns that the valuable pearl can not buy happiness but only destroy hissimple life. Throughout the fable, there is a constant theme woven through thecharacters and setting which encompasses the struggle among social classes tobecome successful. Steinbeck, a novelist known for his realistic depictions oflife, portrays this motif through Kino, the doctor, Coyotito, and the town of LaPaz.John Earnst Steinbeck, author of The Pearl and many other stories, wasborn on February 27, 1902, in Salinas, California. Both his father, who ran aflour mill, and his mother, a teacher, encouraged him to write once they saw hisearly interest in literature. Steinbeck began his career by writing articlesfor his school newspaper and by taking classes at Stanford University. At thesame time, he worked at a local ranch where he witnessed the harsh treatment ofmigrant workers. These underpriveleged laborers later served as the inspirationfor many of his novels, including The Grapes of Wrath. The Pearl, anotherinspiration from his past, originated from a legend about the misfortunes of apoor boy who found a giant pearl that was told to Steinbeck while on a trip toMexico.Kino, the protagonist in The Pearl, is an hone...

intro to networking and the tcp/ip stack :: essays research papers

SLIP is a transmission control protocol/IP parleys protocol occasiond for communication between two machines that are previously configured for communication with each other. For example, your net income server provider may provide you with a SLIP continuative so that the providers server can serve to your requests, pass them on to the Internet, and forward your requested Internet responses back to you. A better service is provided by the Point-to-Point communications protocol ( palatopharyngoplasty). Point-to-Point Protocol is a protocol for communication between two com consecrateers using a serial interface, typically a personal computer connected by phone railway to a server. For example, your Internet server provider may provide you with a uvulopalatopharyngoplasty connection so that the providers server can respond to your requests, pass them on to the Internet, and forward your requested Internet responses back to you. PPP uses the Internet protocol and is designed to handle others. It is sometimes considered a member of the TCP/IP rooms of protocols. Relative to the OSI reference model, PPP provides layer 2 (data-link layer) service. Essentially, it packages your computers TCP/IP packets and forwards them to the server where they can actually be put on the Internet. PPP is a full-duplex protocol that can be used on various physical media, including twisted pair or fiber opthalmic lines or planet transmission. PPP is usually preferred over the earlier standard SLIP because it can handle synchronous as well as asynchronous communication. PPP can share a line with other users and it has error detection that SLIP lacks. Where a choice is possible, PPP is preferred. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the stipulate of rules for ravishring files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the Web. As soon as a Web user opens their Web browser, the user is indirectly making use of HTTP. HTTP is an application protocol tha t runs on top of the TCP/IP suite of protocols. HTTP concepts include the idea that files can contain references to other files whose selection will displace additional transfer requests. Your Web browser is an HTTP client, sending requests to server machines. When the browser user enters file requests by either "opening" a Web come out or clicking on a link, the browser builds an HTTP request and sends it to the Internet Protocol address indicated by the URL. File Transfer Protocol (FTP), a standard Internet protocol, is the simplest way to supplant files between computers on the Internet.intro to networking and the tcp/ip stack essays research papers SLIP is a TCP/IP protocol used for communication between two machines that are previously configured for communication with each other. For example, your Internet server provider may provide you with a SLIP connection so that the providers server can respond to your requests, pass them on to the Internet, and forward you r requested Internet responses back to you. A better service is provided by the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). Point-to-Point Protocol is a protocol for communication between two computers using a serial interface, typically a personal computer connected by phone line to a server. For example, your Internet server provider may provide you with a PPP connection so that the providers server can respond to your requests, pass them on to the Internet, and forward your requested Internet responses back to you. PPP uses the Internet protocol and is designed to handle others. It is sometimes considered a member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols. Relative to the OSI reference model, PPP provides layer 2 (data-link layer) service. Essentially, it packages your computers TCP/IP packets and forwards them to the server where they can actually be put on the Internet. PPP is a full-duplex protocol that can be used on various physical media, including twisted pair or fiber optic lines or satellite transmission. PPP is usually preferred over the earlier standard SLIP because it can handle synchronous as well as asynchronous communication. PPP can share a line with other users and it has error detection that SLIP lacks. Where a choice is possible, PPP is preferred. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules for transferring files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the Web. As soon as a Web user opens their Web browser, the user is indirectly making use of HTTP. HTTP is an application protocol that runs on top of the TCP/IP suite of protocols. HTTP concepts include the idea that files can contain references to other files whose selection will elicit additional transfer requests. Your Web browser is an HTTP client, sending requests to server machines. When the browser user enters file requests by either "opening" a Web site or clicking on a link, the browser builds an HTTP request and sends it to the Internet Protocol address i ndicated by the URL. File Transfer Protocol (FTP), a standard Internet protocol, is the simplest way to exchange files between computers on the Internet.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

History and Eradication of Smallpox Essay -- Biology Medical Biomedica

History and Eradication of variola majorThe variola major virus virus has affected the human species for centuries. It has been save as early as 1350 BC in ancient Egypt.The smallpox disease is caused by the Variola virus which only inhabits the human organism. There atomic number 18 two forms of the disease major and minor. The major has a mortality rate of 20-40% of untreated individuals. Though major and minor eventually run the same track down and the outcome is the same, the major has symptoms that are distinct from the minor form, including hemorrhaging both internally and externally. Early treatment of the disease was variolation, and was the only method of treatment until the vaccine was discovered by Edward Jenner. The World Health Organization (WHO) eradicated smallpox in 1979. There is still no effective treatment for the disease after contraction.The speckled monster, the slayer of both kings and peasants, once considered the most terrible minister of death smallpo x had ravaged the world for centuries. The virus emerged from an unknown source, however there is belief that it originated in Africa and then eventually spread to India and China. The first documented case of smallpox was dated in 1350 BC during the Egyptian-Hittite war.(Emedmag,2002) The course of the pandemic turned towards Europe in the 5th to 7th century and begun it destruction in major European cities in the 18th century. Classified as a pandemic during the 18th century, smallpox was located on almost the entire world save Australia and a few isolated islands.Smallpox did not only impact medical history, besides also was a great influence in politics as well. Smallpox was known as the killer of peasants and kings, showing no biasness in its alternative of victims. Skin lesions ... ...n stopped for almost 15 years. If terrorists were to use the Variola virus, the world would be virtually at the mercy of the smallpox disease.History and Eradication of Smallpox 9ReferencesBar quet, N. Smallpox The Triumph over the Most Terrible of the Ministers of Death. Volume 127, Issue 8, Pages 635-642.Brannon, H. 2005. History of Smallpox The Rise and Fall of a Disease. About Dermatology. July 26,2005 http//, L. B. 1985. The Management of Smallpox Eradication in India. AnnArbor, MIUniversity of Michigan Press.Fenner, F., D. A. Henderson, I. Arita, Z. Jezek, & I. D. Ladnyi. 1988. Smallpox and Its Eradication. Geneva World Health Organization.Hopkins, J. W. 1989. The Eradication of Smallpox organisational Learning and Innovation in International Health. Boulder, CO Westview Press.

History and Eradication of Smallpox Essay -- Biology Medical Biomedica

History and annihilation of SmallpoxThe variola major virus has affected the human species for centuries. It has been recorded as early as 1350 BC in ancient Egypt.The smallpox disease is ca customd by the Variola virus which only inhabits the human organism. There are two forms of the disease major and fry. The major has a mortality rate of 20-40% of untreated individuals. Though major and minor eventually run the same course and the outcome is the same, the major has symptoms that are distinct from the minor form, including hemorrhaging both internally and externally. Early treatment of the disease was variolation, and was the only method of treatment until the vaccine was discovered by Edward Jenner. The World Health Organization (WHO) eradicated smallpox in 1979. There is still no effective treatment for the disease after contraction.The speckled monster, the killer of both kings and peasants, once considered the most terrible parson of death smallpox had ravaged the institu tion for centuries. The virus emerged from an unknown source, however there is belief that it originated in Africa and then eventually spread to India and China. The first put down case of smallpox was dated in 1350 BC during the Egyptian-Hittite war.(Emedmag,2002) The course of the pandemic turned towards Europe in the 5th to 7th century and begun it destruction in major European cities in the 18th century. Classified as a pandemic during the 18th century, smallpox was located on almost the entire world save Australia and a few isolated islands.Smallpox did not only impact medical history, but also was a great influence in politics as well. Smallpox was known as the killer of peasants and kings, showing no biasness in its selection of victims. Skin lesions ... ...n stopped for almost 15 years. If terrorists were to use the Variola virus, the world would be virtually at the mercy of the smallpox disease.History and Eradication of Smallpox 9ReferencesBarquet, N. Smallpox The Triump h over the just about Terrible of the Ministers of Death. Volume 127, Issue 8, Pages 635-642.Brannon, H. 2005. History of Smallpox The Rise and Fall of a Disease. About Dermatology. July 26,2005 http//, L. B. 1985. The Management of Smallpox Eradication in India. AnnArbor, MIUniversity of Michigan Press.Fenner, F., D. A. Henderson, I. Arita, Z. Jezek, & I. D. Ladnyi. 1988. Smallpox and Its Eradication. Geneva World Health Organization.Hopkins, J. W. 1989. The Eradication of Smallpox Organizational Learning and Innovation in International Health. Boulder, CO Westview Press.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Persuasive speech outline Essay

Believe it or non, according to, some 3,000,000 teens drop out of high aim each year. Thats approximately 7,000 a day. This is not only hurting their success and the amount of money they can earn, but also the economy of the full United States. Although some people might think every teen should be able to make the decision to drop out or halt in high enlighten themselves, but teens need to realize the consequences that come with dropping out. When youre is a young teen you may not be thinking about how your decisions can affect your future, without a high school education you cannot attend college, this will make it harder for you to find a high paying job, let alone a job at all. II. Need Step A. When a person is a young adolescent, theyre thinking about now, not the future, and they may regret the decision to drop out later.Most of the teenagers that end up dropping out of high school are thinking about how much they dont want to be at school or how they cannot h andle the workload.Sometimes teens have actual trouble in school and going to regular high school isnt the best option, but they still need to get an education somehow, even if its online classes. In other cases, teens dear dont want to go to high school, and thats their reasoning for dropping out. They arent thinking about their future.According to State Representative Martha waltz of Boston, few, if any, 16 year olds have the wisdom and knowledge to understand the lifelong consequences of ending their high school education at 16

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Monsoon cripples life in Mumbai Essay

Heavy rains continued to lash Mumbai and coastal Maharashtra for the second unbent day Monday, disrupting normal life in the region, officials state.Many separate of the city and suburbs have been waterlogged and some areas were flooded Monday morning, hampering smooth movement of people and vehicles, said officials at the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbais Disaster Control Cell.Flooding was reported from Malad, Andheri, Versova, Dadar, Parel, Chembur, many parts of the key LBS Marg in the eastern suburbs, and Marol-Saki Naka belt. twain of the essence(predicate) subways at Malad and Andheri were flooded, with about three feet of water, rendering them inoperational for the east-west dealing movement.Local trains were delayed. Central Railway trains ran late by 20 minutes, Western Railway ones by 15 minutes and trains on the Harbour Line by 30 minutes. Peak morning hour commuters and businessmen were left inconvenienced.In the 24 hours preceding 5.30 a.m. Monday, South Mumba i recorded 9.04 cm rain, while the suburbs notched a staggering 18.01 cm rain, a weather bureau official said.The forecast for Monday and Tuesday is heavy to actually heavy rains in many parts of the coastal areas including Mumbai, with accompanying strong winds and advice to fishermen not to venture into the Arabian Sea.The torrential, virtually incessant, rain since Saturday night has resulted in traffic moving at a snails pace on the Eastern Express Highway, Western Express Highway, the Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Road and other important roads and junctions.Though Mumbaikars enjoyed the monsoon with parties and picnics during theweekend, the grim reality dawned Monday, as schools reopened after the summer break and many office-goers returned to work.The monsoon also set in over other parts of the state, offering welcome respite from water scarcity and intense heat wave conditions.Till date, there have been 11 monsoon-related deaths in different incidents across the state.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Toyota Prius

1. What micro environmental factors affected both the first coevals and second coevals models of the Toyota Prius? How well has Toyota dealt with these factors? The micro environmental factors are those forces close to a company, yet outside its internal environmental, that influence the ability of a business to serve its customers, forces more than(prenominal) as customers, suppliers, competitors and other business that assistor influence a businesss ability to sell, distribute, promote and develop products or services.In regards the Toyota Prius case, the factors that the company dealt with are Customers Toyota launched the first generation in 2001 with a small, cramped and non attractive car into a market were the big SUVs were dominating the business. They were bringing to the market a get-go consume, environmentally fond and high tech fomite. In my opinion, Toyota took a risk launching a vehicle that was fitting future needs that customers were way out to have with th e upcoming economic situation (gas price increment).Toyota launched the second generation improving the fuel consumption and improving the lacks on the first version zeal and capacity. The biggest success was to anticipate the customer of necessity. Suppliers Without the support of suppliers, Toyota would not have be able to launch the first generation. Toyota needed the suppliers to be onboard on this risky chore in which they were developing a new technology that requires a high capital investment up front with a high risk of failure.Competitors initial generation did not have direct competitors since it was the only loanblend vehicle on the market. I consider that the challenge for Toyota on the first generation was to attain a market niche for this new vehicle concept. The scenario was different for the second generation were the market niche existed already and new competitors were getting into the business. Honda with the crossing civil, hydrargyrum with the Mariner and Ford with the Escape were arduous to make their first steps on this vehicle category but creation a step groundwork Toyota in price and efficiency. 2. Outline the major macro environmental factors demographic, economic, natural, technological, political and cultural that have affected Prius sales. How well Toyota dealt with each of these factors? Demographic American commonwealth has been growing at around 10% since 2000 as well as the GDP per capita. This lead to an increase on the demand for railroad carmobiles and to a more demanding costumer due to his higher purchase power. Economic Toyota Prius was launched in USA in a growing economic environment but right before a scenario were gasoline price would start rising considerably.Looks like Toyota did not respond against trends and fads but did a good long term economic analysis spill ahead in respect his competitors that just wait until gasoline price started rising to start taking fuel consumption into account as an c lassic factor during the vehicle development. Natural December 1997 worlds leading nations meet Japan to discuss Kyoto protocol. Several months before, Toyota introduces in Japan the first hybrid vehicle. Consumers start to take into account environmental factors on their purchases. Another factor that push consumers toward lower consume vehicles is the gasoline price rise that occurs in 2004.Smaller SUVs, cars and hybrids look into their demand increase due to these two natural factors. Toyota, being aware of this factors, changed his targeted costumer investing $40 million dollars campaign on this set of customers, the environmental conscious. Technological late 90s is considered a high-tech boom. This may be the reason why Toyota targeted first on early adopters and techies who are attracted by cars advanced technology. Political Many states are rewarding the car owners with tax breaks amounting to thousands of dollars.Furthermore, or so states government gave further tax break s, in some circumstances complementing the federal tax break. There were also some eco-friendly organizations involved in this incentive game such as Google, Timberland and Hyperion Solutions providing employees as much as $5,000 toward the purchase of hybrids. Many states even gave permission for the hybrids to use carpooling lanes which allow people to travel more quickly to work. Lastly, pots of insurance companies offer discounts to hybrid cars. Cultural since the last decade, society is getting more sensitive in regards environmental issues.This is being reflected on customer decisions that are looking for environmental friendly product even at a higher price to them. 3. Evaluate Toyotas marketing strategy so far. What has Toyota done well? How might it correct its strategy? Marketing strategy consist of 4 Ps which are product, price, place and promotion Product Toyota brought to the market a new vehicle concept that fitted into the new economic, social and political scenari o. Toyota identified the lacks on the first generation and incorporated the improvements on the second generation improving also efficiency.Price Toyota Prius with Honda Civic were the only two Hybrid models in which customers were recovering the price premium and starting to save money after 75. 000 miles. Place Toyota was aware of the difficulty of introducing a new concept to the market. Lack of customer information could induce to a mistrust toward the product. Toyota put emphasis training specifically to the dealerships to make sure customers were being properly informed. In addition, Toyota opened a site on the web where customers could share their questions and modifications they made to their Prius.Promotion Toyota did not put too much effort on advertising this vehicle. Toyota used the dealerships as a communication line to the customers. In my opinion, the biggest success of Toyota comes from the long term strategy they planed that come up with a vehicle that fit perfectly to the changing economic and social context. In addition to the low consume advantage the Prius was, they continued improving their models to provide customers with the same repose and capacity of vehicles that were dominating the American roads by increasing the capacity on his second generation for instance.Customers, in general, are afraid to invest in new concept products due to a mistrust on their performances. Battery life and maintenance were the biggest concerns that customers were having. Other automakers, such as Renault are offering to the customers a systems in which they take the responsibility of the battery life. Automakers own the batteries and customers just pay a monthly rent for the maintenance and replacement. I consider that this strategy offers more confidence to the new customers to invest on this new technologies. 4. GMs marketing director for new ventures, Ken Stewart, says if you want to get a lot of hybrids on the road, you put them in vehicles that peop le are buying now. They seems to summarize the U. S. auto makers approach to hybrids. Would you agree with Mr. Stewart? Why or why not? American market is being currently dominated by big SUVs and pickup trucks. Statistics display this customer preferences. The American auto makers are trying to provide to customers a more efficient vehicle keeping the current confront and performances.Obviously, the efficiency achieved is not the same as the one other auto makers are achieving by developing smaller hybrid vehicles. In my opinion, what they are doing is to find a short term solution to the current customer needs instead of anticipating the future ones which are smaller cars with even higher fuel efficiency. So, if the macro environment continues pushing auto makers toward the efficiency cars, they will continue being ahead the others because even if they are trying to improve efficiency, it is not the main goal for them right now.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Critical Thinking in Homeland Security Essay

Critical idea in Homeland Security world Homeland Security is an essential part of the hostage measure variety meat that ar very crucial in ensuring the protection of the countrys sovereignty. Just as other nations in the world, joined States faces significant threats from the external and internal itemors. The US proveed Homeland Security Department in 2003, in an effort to appeal the external threats and aggression like the family line 11 terrorist flacks (Pruitt, 2003, The 9/11 Commission, 2005). in that respectfore, the main objective of the department is to prevent terrorist attacks in the US. Addition altogethery, the department has to minimize the ikon of the nation to terrorism and minimizing the injuries that results from the attacks, if attacks occur. To achieve its mandate the department applies some(prenominal) skills. These skills are aimed at determining the likelihood of a threat and establishing the credibility of the threat as per the development provi ded. Among the skills used is the exact thinking. By definition, critical thinking refers to the ability by the department personnel to make clear, rational judgments (Paul & Elder, 2009). This means that the closings regarding trade protection should be arrived through a salutary thought out processes (Pruitt, 2003). Critical thinking under native land security focuses on crucial elements of thought and asking the applicable indecisions. This means that the department has to evaluate every piece of evidence at their disposal in order to develop appropriate security solutions to the country. The discussion entrap forward below ordain aim at establishing what critical thinking method assume is appropriate for the decision- do within the structures of fatherland security (The 9/11 Commission, 2005). The reason behind this inquiry is highly attendless on the fact that there are different critical thinking simulations. These patterns are very effectual in the since they booster to find the topper and effective solution in mother country parameter. However, different dumbfounds offer different results.Discussion The family 11 attack brought about unprecedented contend for good, efficient and effective security appliance. With the introduction of the Homeland Security Department, the country was placed at a position to mint candy with the terrorism threats. The terrorism activities are currently very dynamic and in return there is a need for the solutions that might meet these challenges (Pruitt, 2003). As a consequence, the homeland security personnel is require to meet the ever rising need for increased demand of the security services as well as meeting the high placed accountability standards. To achieve these requirements they have to learn to become highly skilled in their level of thinking, as well as reasoning abilities. The fundamental reason for the need to improve skills is that the employees have to analyze all the long information , understand it, identify the problems and offer solution (Paul & Elder, 2009). However, the processing of this massive information comes against the race of conviction. Homeland security department has to make timely decision that would help to preempt any threats that may arise or keep the already existing threats (Pruitt, 2003). Additionally, the strategies employed by the terrorist are changing day in day out, and as well these changes must be encompassed in the decision which the department is undertaking. For instance, onwards the September 11 attack, the defense apparatus restricted themselves to biological and chemical threats. Moreover, the use of airplane as a tool to post out terrorism strikes was covered by defense agencies like the Pentagon (The 9/11 Commission, 2005). On the other hand, the threat of airplane strike was not communicate as the security agencies believed this would result to giving the terrorist an additional tool to their disposal. The example abou t the use of airplane as a tool of terrorism indicates an ineffective manner of using the available information to mitigate the terrorist attacks. In this regard, critical thinking is very essential in manner in which the homeland security handles the information they acquire to handle security issues or threats (Paul & Elder, 2009). This is mainly because critical thinking offers the prediction and diagnosis compendium for security issues. Prediction depends chiefly on the ability of the security variety meat to be able to think ahead. Thinking ahead, as part of critical thinking, dictates that the security organs are able to establish the likely causes of terrorism and probable outcomes (Kiltz, 2009). Diagnosis means the epitome of previous threats which in turn helps to extrapolate the likely future events. In this regard, security organs are able to identify their past failures and in turn making amendments. Additionally, the organs are able to replicate past successes to th e future.Best Critical Thinking Model While understanding the importance of the critical thinking skills, there are several critical thinking models at the disposal of security organs to address any homeland security issues. It is very crucial to put a lot of emphasis on the fact that critical thinking is raw material requirement for security decisions facing the country (Paul & Elder, 2009). Therefore, to identify the best critical thinking model it would be prudent to learn the two factors that will puzzle out a very major usance in determining the best model. Critical thinking in the context of homeland security is fundamentally helpless on the most important factor for good decision-making and the spirit of the homeland security context (Browne & Keeley, 2007).1. Decision making Critical thinking is fundamentally aimed at arriving at appropriate decision. Every decision made or arrived at should be able to offer solution in the context of homeland security. In this light, t he decision of the security apparatus should be able to effectively prevent the threats that arise as well as minimize the damages is events occur (Kiltz, 2009). Thus, critical thinking plays a pivotal role in decision-making process. On the same note, the best decision-making model is exceedingly reliant on the castigate questions. The right question are said to be the main factor that enable effective decisions to be made in all the fields of the society, security being inclusive (Kiltz, 2009). Questions are a good guiding factor while looking for the appropriate results. One, right questions create a structure that our thinking relies upon that is to say, right questions are essential in finding the suitable materials or information that are essential to the decision or solutions. Secondly, right questions play a vital role of determining the course of our thinking. In this regard, the right questions are crucial element of individual thinking (Kiltz, 2009). This indicates that the right questions part of the homeland security parameters, in that they would help the decision makers in this context will arrive the best solutions realizable to the various security challenges.2. The nature of homeland security The processes and the activities surrounding decision making in the parameters or the context of the homeland security are substantially complex. The complexity comes in two levels one, there amount of data or information being processed is extremely large and second, there are a lot of dynamics and variables in homeland security decisions (Paul & Elder, 2009). Therefore, the decision-making process has a high requirement of exhaustive scrutiny of all the probable accompanying implications of any decision made. In addition, the scrutiny extends other available options prior or before the enforcing any decision passed. A good example relates to diversion tactics that are highly employed by terrorist (Davis, 2012). This is where a threat is identified i n a particular location while in reality the actual threat is in another place. Without appropriate critical thinking capabilities, the security apparatus are expected to put enough emphasis on areas which are reported to have the threat while leaving the other places vulnerable. Understanding the nature of homeland security is pegged on homeland security operations and the past failure. Past failures help to understand what part of the process failed and how efficiently and effectively did homeland rise from their falls. For instance from the example above, if the severity of a homeland security event was increased by the misjudgment stated above, in future homeland security would put all efforts at protecting all places equally while still putting emphasis on any information gathered (Paul & Elder, 2009). That fact encompasses a crucial part of the critical thinking in such a security decision-making process.In effect, the most effective critical thinking model should be all-inclu sive. Inclusivity means that all the available alternatives should be taken into account while simultaneously evaluating the possible outcomes associated with each likely action. The module applied is similar to a game theory model (Davis, 2012). In such a model, the homeland security is supposed to establish every strategy available to them as well as those available to the opponents, the terrorists. This would help to preempt most if not all, of the threats posed by various terrorists groups. Therefore, every strategy has probable action, which in turn will deliver results. It would be the aim of homeland to select the most applicable strategy and take an action that would offer the best-expected outcome (Paul & Elder, 2009). For example, through information and parole gathering, the security organs in the United States had all the necessary, adequate and relevant information to indicate that an attack was eminent. This information was prior to the September 11 attack, which ti ny the Al Qaeda plans to attack the US. This shows that the security organs had the available strategies of the opponents. However, the organs failed to select the best strategy and their actions failed to meet the required results (The 9/11 Commission, 2005). The time constraints also play a critical part in undertaking any security decision. The reason behind this is that contempt the large volumes of information that need to processed, the uncertainty of when a homeland security event is likely to occur needs timely decision-making. Using the September 11 example, it can be observed that the security organs failed to meet the timely decision requirement (Kiltz, 2009). Although all the information processed indicated the likelihood of a terrorism incident in United States, no timely action was taken to preempt the threats due to the argument that the decision process was at its antecedent stage.Additionally, homeland security should be in a position to predict the opponents lik ely cause of action and also putting a lot of effort towards preventing the threats preempting the homeland actions. This is attached to diversion tactics, where the threats ripe(p) to events in places other than those indicated in the threats information. This was the strategy that was employed by the Al Qaeda to beat homeland security at their game in September 11 (The 9/11 Commission, 2005). Prior to the attack, the information gathered indicated that the threats were highly in United States departments and agencies that were beyond borders. The fact that overseas parts of homeland security were threatened, the homeland skewed its efforts towards the external offices and agencies. Consequently, the Al Qaeda anticipated the moves of homeland security, and they counteracted by attacking the internal departments (The 9/11 Commission, 2005). Critical thinking should help to homeland security to fill all the available loopholes that may expose their operations, and the country was va st.3. Right Questions Model As stated earlier, there are several models at the disposal of the homeland security, but among them asking the right questions takes the reign. There are several factors that have heavily tilted the odds towards the right questions model of critical thinking (Browne & Keeley, 2007). First, the model plays a pivotal role in addressing the various loopholes found under the nature of homeland security. For instance the failures that were capitalized by the Al Qaeda in the September 11 attack (The 9/11 Commission, 2005). The right questions model aims at querying all the information available. The inquisitive nature of the model allows the various security issues to be determined as well as determining the necessary conclusions. The conclusions are highly dependent on the reasoning, assumptions, and clarity of words.There are numerous benefits that accompany this essential model of right questions. To begin with the model is highly useful in offering a well detailed analysis of the decision made as well as the cause of actions undertaken. When comparing this model with the other models such as the elements of thought thinking model, right questions model outranks them all in enabling homeland to meet its objectives or targets (Browne & Keeley, 2007). Furthermore, it is established that the model has other models easily inbuilt. Mainly, homeland security establishes the positive elements of the other models and encompasses them in the right questions model. As a consequence, the models offer comprehensive and well-contained solutions out of all the available alternatives. In addition, the said model is highly interactive as it offers an all rounded analysis of the various situations. The analysis is crucial in timely and effective decision-making as well as in actualization of the actions set. Additionally, the model allows homeland to identify the instances of fallacies in reasoning (The 9/11 Commission, 2005). Well thought out decisio n should not be guided by a belief, romance of misconceptions. This allows homeland security process of verification and validation of evidence to be thorough and unbiased. If some essential information is missed, the model would results to different alternatives. Right questions model bases its success on availability of possible alternatives. Therefore, the model puts a lot emphasis on the available information which helps decision makers to arrive at the best possible alternative. On the other hand, the other models have some constraints in their operations (Browne & Keeley, 2007). For instance, the Element of Thought thinking model success is highly dependent on the emphasis given to some four aspects of decision-making.Using the Model Several failures have been seen under the dome of homeland security. These failures are highly attributed as the indirect contributors of past events like the September 11 attacks. The right questions model can easily address these past challenge s (Browne & Keeley, 2007). Moreover, the model is the key to providing support to the homeland security decision-making process as well as creating and enhancing the credibility of the actions undertaken by homeland security. The right questions model is dependent on an extensive spectral analysis. This analysis is the foundation of critical thinking. As a consequence, the right questions model helps to evaluate all the possible alternatives and their accompanying actions which aim at getting the best possible solution. The model has been extensively used under the homeland security context to eradicate and lessen threats like the September 11 attacks. For example, prior to September 11 attacks the United States intelligence had gathered that there were several threats directed towards the United States institutions outside the country (The 9/11 Commission, 2005). Lack of a wider spectral analysis, the homeland security failed in its job (Browne & Keeley, 2007). In dependence to the information, the homeland security strengthened the security agencies beyond borders and failed to do so with the domestic agencies. As a consequence, the Al Qaeda used this loophole to carry out the attacks in the US soil (The 9/11 Commission, 2005). Under right questions model, an in-depth analysis would have taken place prompting homeland security to reinforce all the security agencies across the board. Such analysis would have enabled homeland security to alleviate the September 11 attacks. The alleviation would have been achieved through the fact that the homeland security would have easily identify and eliminated all the security exposures that faced the United states at large without overemphasis on the overseas institutions (Browne & Keeley, 2007). The fallacies of logic resulted to this misguided conclusions. While combating the Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, there was a belief that the US turf was safety from the Al Qaeda actions. This resulted to homeland security ignoring th e domestic security need for dealing with terrorism. Additionally, there were not efforts to fill the information gaps that were there before the attacks. There were poor statistics since there were limited activities that were undertaken by security agencies in the United States (The 9/11 Commission, 2005). The model selected put emphasis on identifying the missing information which in turns increases the chances of obtaining the best strategy and the appropriate cause of action to be employed. For instance, the evidence provided that an attack was imminent, but there were no prompt actions that were undertaken to mitigate these threats. Also, despite the availability of evidence that indicated that there were terrorist threats facing the US, no security actions were undertaken in time (Browne & Keeley, 2007). The claims behind the lack of actions were that the decision process was still at preliminary stages, indicating the rigidity of the security operations. The selected model o ffers flexible and dynamic solutions to challenges. Through the right questions model, appropriate decisions would have been arrive at early enough to mitigate the threats. resultant Critical thinking is crucial for the undertakings of the homeland security department. This is because there are significant complexities of the decisions and accompanying actions. The critical thinking models are several, but one outranks the others the right questions model is very essential in establishing the right decisions and cause of actions. The model employs a wider spectral analysis strategy with an aim of achieving efficient, effective and timely solutions. flavour at the applicability of the model against the events of September 11 attacks the model would achieve better-desired results (The 9/11 Commission, 2005).ReferencesBrowne, M., & Keeley, S. (2007). Asking the right questions. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson Prentice Hall.Davis, V. (2012). mathematical function Critical Thinking to Overcome Personal Biases. IN Homeland Security. Retrieved 22 January 2015, from http//, L. (2009). Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Homeland Security and Emergency prudence Courses. Journal Of Homeland Security And Emergency Management, 6(1), 1-20. Retrieved from http//, R., & Elder, L. (2009). The miniature guide to critical thinking. Dillon Beach, Calif. Foundation for Critical Thinking.Pruitt, K. (2003). Modeling Homeland Security A Value concentrate Thinking Approach (1st ed., pp. 1-236). Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Department of the Air Force, Air University. Retrieved from http// 9/11 Commission,. (2005). The 9/11 Commission Report net Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (1st ed., pp. 1-400). Wash ington DC U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrieved from http// document

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Fauquier Gas Company Essay

Fauquier Gas Company, is wizard of the nations 440 gas companies, served an area where land use was changing from plain to residential and commercial. The company is beginning a new project that consist of having 3 miles of seams ready to be hooked up by September. This is another one of the demands that Fauquier quality on their hands not including the additional 10 lines that they plan on starting for next project. It takes great deal of engineers and contractors and constructions workers to meet this deadline, not to allow precise planning. Mr. Clive Byers is the construction project manager, Mr. Charlie Buck is the introduction superintendent, Pat Wilson is design engineer, Sam Law is project engineer, and Mr. Bill stump spud is the manager of supply management. all(prenominal) of these individuals are under management of the vice president of operations for the company. These individuals play a huge quality in meeting all requirements and specifications for this proje ct. In ordering to meet all the deadlines into building this project all parties involved pretend to communicate effectively.Mr. Murphy is responsible for ensuring all the supplies that goes into ordering is placed and delivered in a punctual manner. Mr. Murphy has ran into a road block, he is unable to retrieve the purchase request for the pipeline. Pat Wilson, the design engineer who is in charge of press release through all the specifications has change the diameter of the pipe to 24 inches. Mr. Murphy asked why they change in the wall thickness and length. Wilson informed him that the operation of the line would be governed by less stringent specifications, making the wall thickness inches and the length would be 57 feet. Pat was considering cost as a role in the project based on her design and that lead to the change in the specifications. As the specifications is astonishting sorted out by Pat Wilson, Mr. Murphy was getting concerned about the economic consequences and t he schedule impact of the proposed changes in wall thickness and length of the pipe. Mr. Murphy is being faced with many logistical and supply problems due to not having the purchase request. Mr. Murphy has done projects before and understands the lead time that he needs to place orders in order to get supplies delivered.There is already a time line to break ground and start construction in June. Mr. Murphy last communication with Pat Wilson was on April 14 and without the specifications being worked out accordingly Mr. Murphy is unsuccessful with meeting his deadline with the companies who supply the pipeline andwrappers. Mr. Murphy should just contact Mr. Buck the superintendent for the design department and try to figure out how the process can be expedited. If customers are expecting their gas pipelines to be hookup by a certain deadline thencece I feel that since Fauquier is trying to branch off and do commercial property then they need to meet all deadlines in order to have a good review.It seems although the team of people are not communicating and instead of keeping each other informed of the process that leaves Mr. Murphy stretchiness out to figure out what is the hold up with the design specifications. To fix this issue I feel like the superintendent should have put deadlines on all the departments so that everyone would have adequate enough time to prepare and plan. Mr. Murphy has been asking for purchase request since over hearing a conversation at lunch that took place in January. There is no reason why he should still not have what he needs by and by speaking with Pat Wilson in April about the specifications. If deadlines are in place and meetings are being made every two weeks with updates then I feel like they would be able to break ground in June and the supplies would have already been on order and delivered in a timely manner.1.What are the let on facts?Mr. Murphy is responsible for the purchase of materials used in the gas distributio n process such as fittings, pipes and meters. Mr. Murphy is also responsible for the procurement of furniture, stores management, materials divination and control, systems and forms. Fauquier Gas company has a deadline to have 3 miles of lines ready for hookup by September. Mr. Murphy is concerned about being able to find a supplier who could deliver 3 miles of large diameter pipe.2.What is the problem?Mr. Murphy is unable to process the order for the project to receive the supplies in a timely manner for the construction to begin in June due to the design team and the superintendent Mr. Buck.3.List and discuss three alternative solutions.Mr. Buck needs to have meetings in relation to the status of the project andthe specifications. He needs to set deadlines, due to a large number of workers that are involved in this project to date that everyone is meeting the requirements for the project to begin in June and be finish by September.4.What is your recommended solution?To fix thi s issue I feel like the superintendent should have put deadlines on all the departments so that everyone would have adequate enough time to prepare and plan. Mr. Murphy has been asking for purchase request since over hearing a conversation at lunch that took place in January. There is no reason why he should still not have what he needs after speaking with Pat Wilson in April about the specifications. If deadlines are in place and meetings are being made every two weeks with updates then I feel like they would be able to break ground in June and the supplies would have already been on order and delivered in a timely manner.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Standardization versus Adaptation in International Marketing

There has been much debate over implementing a standardization strategy versus an translation approach across international markets. There argon numerous factors to consider, along with pros and cons of both trade plans. While standardization is equated with brand consistency, lower advertisement costs, and overall synergy, adaptation is often required to address cultural differences for more effective communication and proves that cutting costs does not always facilitate higher(prenominal) profits1.For some time many researchers, such as R. D.Buzzell in 1968, have concluded that the real question is what marketing elements can be standardized and to what degree2. However, academics nutrition the notion that adaptation is essential to prosper in global markets. 3 And in the instance of advertising to China, the necessity for adaption is ever present. China is a very(prenominal) appealing marketplace to many companies due to its large population and growing economy. Despite the countrys fiscal growth, there still remains a large disparity between big cities, like Shanghai and Beijing, versus the more inland provinces4.And since the relationship of cultural, political, and economical similarities support the standardization of competitive strategy, treating China as unrivaled nation to market to would be a mistake in itself, let along trying to standardize a campaign targeting American and Chinese consumers. Some corporations, such as Coca-Cola and Proctor and Gamble, have achieved extreme success by targeting the affluent, only there is almost a 90% segment odd to infiltrate. 5 This may mean lowering product price point, but many firms still deter from positioning their products to the middle or lower layer due to the high advertising costs.It is an overcrowded arena to effectively breakthrough, but this is where adaptation would hold the competitive advantage. Along with the vast disproportionate economies of scale, the psychological and cultural driv ers of Chinese consumers are transforming as well. The desire to express their individuality is ever present, especially in the younger generations. Nokia has seen their cell phone sales surpass other brands because of its invent focus that the other phones lacked6.The wantfor basic consumer goods is also overlooked for ones that offer a lifestyle benefit of enjoyment. The percentage of households reporting they have DVD players jumped from 7% in 1997 to 52% in 2004. The number of households with computers grew from 2% in 1994 to 13% in 2004, and the number of those with mobile phones jumped from 10% in 1999 to 48% in 2004 (Burkholder). Thus, consumers are more likely to spend their money on technology or fashion as opposed to a household item they may need.Globalization is one of the reasons a new Chinese consumer has emerged. Individuality, brand attitudes, and lifestyle preferences in China are more aligned with Western markets, yet multinational corporations have been bilk fro m standardized marketing strategies7. The drive to purchase Western products has greatly increased between each Chinese generation as well. In fact, generation Y (18-24) has purchased more tech-savvy devices, used the Internet, and purchased more Western brands than any Chinese age demographic before8.This appears to be more of a reason to standardize advertising campaigns, but despite desire and acceptance of Western ideals and products, the younger Chinese demographic is still very in touch and proud of their heritage9. This dynamic consumer requires research and attention, which denotes an adaptation technique to effectively communicate a marketing plan. There seems to be a general consensus from marketing researchers and intellectuals that standardization strategies are more effective, economical, and should be utilise initially.However, consumer behavior and perceptions play an integral role in framing an advertising campaign and this is where a degree of adaptation is essenti al. Standardizing many parts of a marketing mix is beneficial, but there are certain areas where modification will yield the best results. In order to achieve a working simulate of international marketing, standardization and adaptation strategies should be applied as see fit. And since China has a particularly diverse set of consumers that makes marketing to the country exclusively dynamic, an adaptation approach would be advantageous in regards to an international campaign.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Dumping of oil, liquid wastes

Of course getting rid of the waste is easy but there are some(prenominal) environmental and human wellness concerns that are raised as a result of it. Incineration of waste material exhibits different types of toxic melodic phrase pollutants such(prenominal) as, cadmium, atomic number 16 dioxide, lead, nitrogen oxide, and mercury that are very harmful and contaminate the air (oppapers. com, 2010). Acid rains and smog are the by-products of incineration that dont only pollute the cash dispenser but also the lands that are used for agricultural purposes.Its of no wonder that if the wastes either solid or liquid are dumped improperly to each place results in the growth of mosquitoes that carry dengue fever virus, which has a domino effect of malaria and headache. Dengue fever has around 23 strains that worsen the health of the victim for several weeks or even months. On the other hand, sewage contamination worsens the water quality of the rivers or other reservoirs from where the water is supplied to the citizens.Over drinking such water, great deal became the victims of Diarrhea and other stomach problems moreover, these diseases promote deteriorate the skin of a person and causes skin cancer. Droughts or famines come when the landfills and acid rains make the dominion infertile and incapable for the use of agricultural purposes. Not only this, along with human beings, the marine life and other animal species are vulnerable to our heady waste disposal. Dumping of oil, liquid wastes, and throwing off of several other materials and wastes into the rivers and sea causes the marine life to extinct.As in the case of Chevron, previously known as Texaco, where the party dumped off huge amounts of solid and liquid wastes into the Amazon River which later resulted in the proliferation of several diseases for human beings along with other marine species. Considerable number of people and animals died as a result of it. Answer 2 Children are more vulnerable to a ir pollutants due to several reasons. First, there organic and immune dust is instead sensitive and vulnerable as compared to that of others therefore, children have greater tendency of catching the diseases.Secondly, children often spend more time outside there station for instance, six to seven hours in school and 2 to three hours playing outside with friends. Hence the probability of indulging and interacting with pollution increases, so is with the diseases. Answer 3 As a Health Educator in this multi-disciplinary team, I would assist the nurse to develop and implement a program for the reduction of exposure of air pollution to the community in the following way. I would provide her with the necessary precautionary equipments such as, masks sun-screen lotions that must be there for the children if air pollution is quite dense.Secondly, I would recommend her not to let the children go out to play or do any other activity in case of incompetent weather or polluted air conditi ons. Third, I would assist her in planting as much plants and trees as possible so that they take off carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release fresh oxygen. Fourth, forbid people to use the gas that burns more and emits toxic and dark black smoke that further worsens the environment. Fifth, minimizing smoking at home or workplace that can otherwise harm children and finally, making use of air filters to get fresh air and not the polluted one.

Monday, May 20, 2019

How Does Globalization Impact Consumers? Essay

How does globalisation impact consumers? This question has been highly debated by economists. Some intend consumers depart be negatively affected by globalization with greater economic instability and multiple monetary crisis while corporations receive record profits. Other experts are of the opinion that globalization willing provide customers with more wealthiness, more goods at lower costs, and will end poverty. Globalization gives customers the advantage of getting the vanquish products at the best outlays, per many economists and theorists. Each country, in a global market, manufacturers a product (or products) that they are best and most efficient at producing. As a result, consumers have affordable products that were previously out of their price range in some cultures (i.e. cars).Thus, the standard of living in each country is raised imputable to the positive effects of globalization. According to this perspective, the new global economy will shift millions of peopl e from unquestioning poverty to the middle class. Another predicted benefit of globalization is that it will increase global salaries of managers and professionals and provide an increase market for international positions. Consumer access to disposable income will increase demand for technological advancement and new and improved goods. Further, lower prices give consumers the benefit of universe able to save money or go across money on things they want instead of only things they need. In the article Global Marketing and Advertising, de Mooij suggests (Sage, 2005) that wealth brings choice and she believes consumers will choose to bring back old values to contain or in an effort to halt the westernizing of their culture. Harvard ProfessorSamuel Huntington agrees that globalization will cause a renewed interest in local traditions. In his article, The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of World Order (Simon & Schuster, 1997), he opined that modernization encourages local kindl y confidence and a resurgence of faith in local traditions and customs. Some see many disadvantages of globalization. Opponents of globalization state that it makes the rich more wealthy and the poor even poorer, particularly in cultures without ethical protections of its workforce. The opponents believe poor cultures will become too dependent upon other cultures because they cannot keep up.For example, Indias poverty in factions could worsen due to becoming more dependent on imports from other countries that could lead to high inflation. or else of Indiasmanufacturing sector expanding it could cause Indias people greater disadvantage due to not being able to complete with other nations technologically or scientifically. Another opponent of globalization stated that developing in Third World exports will create more oppression of workers because cheap labor will be more common and in more demand. Thus, common people in Indonesia and Bangladesh will stomach more harshly. Put in an other way, cheap labor will be the demand, not readiness of industry, and will be the new cotton.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Chapter 2 Thesis Enrolment System

Notes on Philippine pre-colonial lit successionry works Notes and anecdotes on Philippine pre-colonial writings, mostly taken from my Filipino 14 class under Mr. Popa. The pre-colonial stop in the Philippines is the longest chapter in the countrys history. Yet it is also the darkest chapter in history, with very few records extant. The lack of knowledge concerning the period stems from the lack of resources concerning this era, brought on by the perishability of the items produced during those times.Having a strong similitude with nature, the archaean Filipino communities produced items molded from the altogether materials in the region, mostly from plants and trees. Another reason was the Spanish colonization of the Philippines. The Catholic friars who were tasked with converting the uncivilized natives demonized the pre-colonial culture, seeing the beliefs of that era as a threat to their mission to spread Christianity in the land. Only a few manuscripts dummy up survive to th is day, mostly done by Spanish priests who had immersed themselves in the community in an attempt to hound their ways.One of the most important was the Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala by Fr. Juan de Noceda and Fr. Pedro San Lucar (1734), an anthology of early oral examination lore that preserved many examples of pre-colonial literature. However, disdain the Spanish teachings, Philippine pre-colonial culture was not as barbaric as it had been made out to be. The figurehead of a bustling trade economy with Chinese and Muslim merchants existed long before the landing of the Spaniards. The oral literature in existence during that time also displayed a sense of sophistication beyond that of unproblematic barbaric cultures.Anitism, a term coined by Stephen Hislop, refers to the religion prevalent in the religion at that time. The early Filipinos believed in the presence ofanitos, primordial forces of nature that could accompany or possess people. Filipinos also held the principle ofl oobwith spectacular importance. Loosely translated,loobmeans inside. Loobis also a vague reference to the soul. An attempt to explainloobmay proceed as follows. The concept ofloobcan, first and foremost, be related to the concept of a soul. It is something that resides within the person.However, it is not corporeal, or as specific as a soul it is a vital part of the person but not the person in his/her entirety. Loobis also related to space and trust with the phrasemalapit ang loob ko sa iyo(malapitmeaning near) referring to a persons exalted trust level with the other. Loobis also a personal space, something sacred to the person that belongs to him alone. The Filipinos were also well-endowed in the area of literature. A long-standing oral tradition that still survives in remnants to this day traces its roots to the pre-colonial period. Philippine literature employed everyday language, and was a communal activity.As such, the social relevance of literature during that time was ve ry important. Themes include the daily routines of the community, living in accordance with nature and living within the community. Literature was the primary fount of the communitys experiences, beliefs and emotions. Filipino pre-colonial literature followed certain conventions. Due to its oral nature, most stories had a formulaic method of construction. This was fortify by the duty of literature as a reflection of the communal belief and experience the repeat of themes highlighted the prevalent qualities of the regions culture, and identity was thus embodied.The oral tradition also refined the structure of pre-colonial literature, employing the use of stave and rhyme to great effect. Rhythm and rhyme distinguished literary pieces from normal conversation while employing the long-familiar everyday language that everyone in the community understood. These devices also made the pieces easier to remember and retell, while allowing the storyteller to concern the rise and fall of t one with the appropriate portions of the story.Philippine literature possesses a deep level of sophistication, seen in the thorough unity of language, theme and relevance within each piece. The use of common language did not forbid the pieces from obtaining a touch of elegance that set it apart, a testament to the literary ability of the pre-colonial culture. Literature was a vital tool for community cohesiveness, rooted in the foundations of language as a tool for survival. stria together to overcome the dangers of the wild, literature took on communal themes that promoted a sense of togetherness throughout the locals.Literature also reflected the affinity of pre-colonial Fipinos with nature, with the use of colorful metaphors and vivid backgrounds to enhance the story and express their appreciation of nature itself. Literature is such an integral part of pre-colonial Philippine culture that it was one of the methods employed by the Spanish in high society to convert the Filipi nos towards Christianity. However, the Filipinos were intensely critical of these Spanish pieces, largely due to their inability to relate them to their communal beliefs.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

SWOT Analysis of Nokia

Introduction Nokia was founded in 1865, is head delineateed in Finland, mainly engaged in the production of erratic communication products multinational, is the worlds third largest mobile mobilize manufacturer. February 2011, Nokia and Microsoft entered into a strategic altogetheriance and the depth of cooperation.Over the past few years, Nokia sh atomic number 18s have gradually from London, Frankfurt, Paris and capital of Sweden stock market delisting. February 9, 2012, due to poor management, Nokia announced layoffs in three mobile phone manufacturing lay 4000. April 11, 2012, due to huge losses for several quarters, Nokia shares plunged 17 percent, the market value has shrunk $ 5 one thousand million a day, to fall back to 1997 levels. In the September 3, 2013 Microsoft officially announced a $ 3.79 billion euros erudition of Nokia mobile phone business, to 1.65 billion euros while the acquisition of its patent portfolio, which means that Microsofts acquisition of Nokias b usiness and assets of the expenses totaled 5.44 billion euros (about $ 7.17 billion).Nokia failed because of its long-term monopoly in the mobile phone market, resulting in a slack, underestimate the enemy emotions enterprise bureaucracy has become popular, gradually lost self, lost the incentive to innovate. And in the mobile phone pains has switch overd, especially later the popularity of 3G mobile Internet revolution brought, Nokia has not been able to face changing market to get in the right judgments.Political factorsLegal constraints, much(prenominal) as 3G, must be considered because many businesses plan to coiffure a take in so they may be tempted to misinform their customers about pricing, products quality and the availability of their goods. Also, they may try to morsel up expenses by using lower quality materials in their products, such as weaker resources for Nokia cases and batteries. Also some companies may set out their waste in ways that harm the environme nt without ensuring high standards of hygiene and gumshoe in the workplace.Including, outlet stores, which are illegal and can cause legal problems for companies. In 2000, the UK Government started to swallow bids from thirteen companies who wanted to run a licence to sell next-generation mobile phones. It raised 22.47, a tidy sum to anybody. However, the companies began to refuse paying the huge amount of money for the licences. The UK auction was structured so that each(prenominal) challenger bid was planned to be a certain percentage higher thanthe previous bid. This perchance resulted in the size of bids strengthening sky high at a rate of over cl rounds of bidding.Economic factors Current economic indications, such as ex reposition, inflation rates, unemployment, gross national product can taper companies how to determine their policies. The other substantial factor is the global economic situation for an international company such as Nokia. Considering the last two years of global handset devise market, there is a downswing in the sales.The global economic recession and the related domestic economic crises are the most significant factors of shrink mobile phone industry. So its natural result is decrease of Nokias mobile phone sales. tally to a resource firm, named Gartner, worldwide mobile phone sales decreased 8.6 % in the first quarter of 2009 compared with first quarter of 2008. Nokias market share dropped to 36.2 per cent to 39.1 per cent in the last quarter of 2008 (Gartner, 2009).Technological factors Nokia is not a company without a sense of crisis .Instead, Nokia has long recognized the existence of the crisis . IPhone, launched in 2007, Nokia was first proposed in the global work shift of the Internet strategy. Of all the mobile phone manufacturers , Nokia is the first high profile v determinationors lack restructuring .At the time, Nokias transformation direction can be attributed to Ovi this has now been forgotten by many names. Conc ept Ovi by Nokia on August 29, 2007 and the company in addition announced a comprehensive restructuring strategy .In response to industry changes , the Nokia Ovi store via software programs , music , maps , mail, and N-Gage mobile gaming platform , five major business transformation to fully support the Nokia Mobile Internet .In order to conform to Internet trends , Nokia also the first to make a lot of free move. For example in January 2010 , Nokia announced that its worldwide smart phone base on balls and driving navigation will all free. You know, a well-known high German navigation, Baidu navigation , etc., until the end of last month , was determined to totally free.But Nokia seek self- transformation and the result is a failure. Some vociferate it summed up the lack of mobile Internet genes, some say lack of execution , also say that Nokias big company disease dragged its own transformation . Anyway, Nokia does not rely on their own efforts to turn things around .IBM not so computerDecember 8, 2004, Lenovo Group in Beijing announced $ 650 million in funds and stock worth $ 600 million (total value of about 10 billion yuan) won including Think brands, including IBM PC business (PC Division). Completed, IBM Lenovo Group holds 18.5% of shares, while Lenovo Group Lenovo Holdings will occupy about 45% of the shares. According to the agreement, Lenovo also within five years, IBMs brand. If successfully completed the acquisition of Lenovo, Lenovo will then become the worlds second exactly to Dell, Hewlett-Packard after the third-largest PC vendor.Lenovos acquisition of IBMs personal computer business before, its revenue was 30 billion U.S. dollars, after the merger is completed, the business volume reached $ 13 billion, so the companys foreign operations accounted for more than 75% of all business proportion, legal risk has changed greatly . Another example was a very well-known Chinese enterprises in mergers and acquisitions, foreign workers paid after termination of the contract is almost equivalent to the original acquisition cost of all the funds.ConclusionChange management generally is difficult but no undoable. With a world shut in every day. not only international blue-chip companies are forced to critically evaluate and. if necessary, change their business model, but also their organizational structure or their corporate culture. Most failed change projects underestimated or simply did not take into account the human factor.To avoid this failure the assistance of change experts or change agents (in most cases professional consultants) should be sought. Not only that most employees have no or little experience in the field of change management. In most cases people are used to their environment and emotionally unwilling to change.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Pompeii: Tales from the Eruption Essay

The Museum of Fine Arts Houston had an art exhibition entitled Pompeii Tales from the belch. There are almost 500 artifacts and cast of the remnants of dying people that were showcased. It also included a documentary film about the disc all overy of these artifacts and footage of the fierce eruption of Mt Vesuvius.The artifacts presented are tools of trade, jewelries, like necklaces and bracelets, murals and paintings, stain statues, and mosaics. One of the jewelries displayed is the deluxeen snake bracelet. It is designed with a two headed snake biting the rims of the circle with an graven figure of a lady, it maybe a goddess worshiped at the time. The helmet of the gladiators is also displayed. Gladiators are like wrestling superstars we idolized today, they are brave fighters who kill one another for freedom. They are the pitiful warriors used as an delight by the emperors and the people. There are also statues like the Statuette of Mercury which is made form gold and silver . Mercury is wearing a luxurious hat and a golden bag hanged over his neck.He carried a staff with wings and snakes, it is like the medical symbol, caduceus. And beside him is a cock with a golden collar. On the other hand, the Head of an Amazon is made from marble in mid-1st century AD. It was founded at the Villa of the Papyri in Herculaneum, the metropolis beside Pompeii, this is one of the best Roman copies of a type of Amazon of the Classical period. One of the amazing artifacts is the Triclinium A founded in . It is a mural of the god of music, Apollo, playing his lyre with his two muses on his side, Euterpe and Cleo. Apollo wears his cloak over his shoulders, he carried his lyre on his left arm and his head was adorned by laurel leaves. The mural is a fresco brightly colored in red, which was once displayed in a dining room.In connectedness with the dining room, is the silver Kantharos. It is a wine cup embellished with o lie withs. In Roman beliefs, olives and wine are sym bols of wealth. It net be predicted that these objects are used as status symbol by the rich citizens of the old city. The mosaic with Gorgon, House of the Centenary, Pompeii, is a floor mosaic from glass and stone tiles. It was designed and intricately arranged with contrastive figures in the upper and lower portions.At the center inside a circle is the face of the gorgon Medusa, in Roman culture gorgon is an ugly creature. Medusa as we commonly know is a women cursed with snakes in her head. It is believed that anyone who looked into her eyes turned into stone. That is why the floor mosaic at that time is used to ward dispatch evil spirits and intruders alike. These objects provided a glimpse of the culture and lifestyle of the people of Pompeii.As the artifacts suggest, inhabitants of Pompeii are picturesque people, they are the type that loves entertainment and jewelries like the ones we perk up in epic movies about Rome. These golden bracelets, statues and murals we see t oday were once flaunted by the gorgeous people of the old city. It reminded me of the rich city before it was deva put forwardd by the gruesome lavas that burst out from Mt Vesuvius.The eruption of the gory volcano was painted by Pierre-Jacques Volaire in 1777. The oil painting depicts the violent upsurge of molten lava from the mouth of Mt Vesuvuis. The lava is like a addict engulfing everything that comes his way living or non-living. There are people crossing the bridge, scurrying and running impotently to save their lives and over the sky hanged the black clouds. The painting looked alive to me.I felt like I was there, struggling among the throngs of wallowing children and shrieking men and women. It felt like the 911 incident although it does not relate from nature barely the catastrophic event and the devastation. The eruption of the volcano in Pompeii was experience by the people my experience in the 911 incident is only through media coverage. However, it still felt achin gly the same.There are other depressing objects showcased in the museum. The plaster cast of a mother and her child that was found on the same house where the golden bracelet was discovered was totally heartbreaking. I can almost incur the terror the mother would sustain felt and how she fervently prays for God to save her daughter. There are more remnants of people found, in the boastfully Palaestra and the Via Stabiana. The picture of the cast from the staircase of the House of Fabius Rufus showed how desperately people tried to escape from the petulance of the volcano yet they were ferociously burnt by the sea of molten lava.If I were caught in that vitriolic situation, I would probably feel as if the world was coming to an end as described by all religious denominations. I would have been praying so hard for God to come and rescue me, although I could imagine, at that time all you can hear were the terrifying screams and cries from all the inhabitants running for their live s over the thunder rage of the volcano. And although it happened years ago, I still felt sorry for them, I hope that their soul leave behind find peace someday.My visit at the museum is an experience that will never be forgotten. It arose a state of awareness in me that made me realized how tragic life could be, I remembered the different tragedies that had walk and distraught the different life forms in earth hurricane Katrina, World War 1 and 2, the tsunami in Indonesia, and the 911 incident.It made me feel angry and anxious because I know when this disasters occur we cannot do anything about it but I am thankful and happy because after all those catastrophes we have move on, we are still continuing to live our life until the end. All these mixed emotions overwhelmed me as I watch all the objects presented in the museum. It has been a apprised learning experience that relates the world today and the city that once live gloriously, the city of Pompeii.Works Cited decoct work of Art The Eruption of Mt Vesuvuis. North Carolina Museum of Art. 14 April 2008 http//, Museum of Fine Arts Pompeii. Tales from an Eruption. 2 Mar 2008. 14 April 2008 .Pompeii Tales from an Eruption. The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. 14 April 2008

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Multinational Company Requirements

Discuss the constituents that a multinational society needs to consider in setting up a factory in a underdeveloped plain? (20) A multinational company is any brass instrument that has its headquarters in one country, simply with operating branches, factories and assembly plants in other countries. A factory is an industrial building where workers gather and center on resources to manufacture goods and operate machine processing one product to another i. e. value adding. Developing country is a nation that is poor and whose citizens atomic number 18 mostly agricultural workers but it wants to become more mod socially and economically.It is a nation with a low living standard, undeveloped industrial base, and low gentlemans gentleman Development Index (HDI) relative to other countries. Factors require to be considered in setting up a factory- * Natural Routes * Site Requirement * Access to the market * Availability of raw(prenominal) actuals * Skilled crusade * Power Sup ply * Industrial Linkage or Strategic Importance * Government incentives One of the factors needed to be considered is the Site requirement. In maturation country the primer coat rents and values are cheaper so its an advantage to the company.The Land must be cheap, flat, undulating, and well-drained so that the construction of the factory is economical and environmentally friendly. The land elect must be competent enough for alterations when considered necessary. Moreover, the climate and weather conditions at the site are favorable for production of goods throughout the year. Another factor is the access to the Natural Routes. The level would be of bang-up benefit if there is major land or sea route for transportation of raw materials and industrial goods. Road, Rail and Air Transport are available. This would give speedy and cost-effective transport.Other factors are the access and availableness to the market place and raw materials. The distance between the site and market o r raw materials site should be brief and rapid enough for greater, inexpensive and reliable supply of raw materials and industrial goods. The raw materials should be available at an affordable and discounted price. One other factor is the strawman of skilled labor force. Factory should be situated in an area where cheap work-force is on hand. A decent numbers and ample variety of workers are available, with reasonable skilled and knowledge, at or ascend the site.Another factor is the presence of power supply. There should be ample sources of power like electricity and gas, with an comme il faut amount and at cut-rates. The factory should be situated in an area where government may tin incentives and reduce taxes. The incentives could be in form of grants, low interest rates, simplified planning procedures and training. Another factor is industrial linkage or Strategic Reason. The firm should be established in area which is close to linkage industries such as suppliers and custo mers from which some benefit could be gained.It should be apart from similar and correspond organization in order to reduce competition and gain greater market share in that area. Perhaps the major factor that a multinational company needs to consider is the choice of the developing country. The chosen country should have good communication links with the country where headquarters of the multinational firm is located. The country shouldnt be that much meager and poverty-stricken that sales arent lucrative and lodge doesnt prosper. Language, legal and cultural differences with local workers and government officials could lead to misunderstandings.The host country or chosen countrys policies should be favorable and these ethnic and literary divergences are overcome. Consequently, a multinational organization should set up factory in that location which satisfies all these aspects. However, it is unlikely that all the factors will be available at any one particular location. So the location for a factory is to be chosen in such a way, that the total cost of bringing all the inputs together, producing the goods, and distributing the products to the market, are lessen and maximum profit is generated.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

How does family contribute to juvenile delinquency Essay

How does family contribute to juvenile delinquency - Essay ExampleIf all these functions, especially those of child aegis and affection are neglected, this would inevitably lead to a juvenile delinquent in our midst.Structural Functionalism is the speculation which focuses on society as an entity in which all of the components work together cooperatively and cohesively for the betterment of the boilers suit society (http// It is said that the goal of structural functionalism is equilibrium or balance in society. As the staple fibre unit of society, the family also has an important role to play as pertaining to this theory. The child should be nurtured and cared for, brought up in a loving environment, and given all the support and affection he/she needs. All members of the family should work for this goal. If the family cannot assemble this function in society, then the functionalism theory can be deemed fruitless. An example of this would be if the child had no father and was being supported by a step-father. If the stepfather always yells at the child when he makes picayune mistakes, and gets a whipping when he commits bigger mistakes, then the child will develop inner wickedness for the stepfather, which may develop into something else later on. This will become even a bigger problem if the gravel ignores the way the stepfather treats her child and even consents to it. Hence the child grows up in an unstable family environment which may lead to juvenile delinquency later on.The Conflict theory shows how skirmish is the catalyst of social motley and societal growth, rather than cooperation and cohesion. (http// This theory is said to be the opposite of Structural Functionalism and it thrives on the concept of conflict as the precursor of change. Sometimes, it is the conflict itself in the home which reinforces the possibility of social problems arising. When there

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Article Critique - Advancement and Equity for Women in the Business

Critique - Advancement and Equity for Women in the Business globe - Article ExampleFirst, it discusses barriers that limit women from achieving better leadership positions in business entities. The traditional view of a woman distracts her from making the normal advancement to the slip by position. Traditional norms look down up on women for being good managers or chief executives. Secondly, it is from the expression that men are perceived as evasion leaders while depicting women as typical leaders. This aspect turn down capable women leaders the susceptibility to serve in capacities which they fit. They take men to be managers and executive officers in different business corporations (Evans, 2011). Thirdly, the article brings out serious effects of gender disparities to companies that observe and practice the traditional norms. For instance, they deny women their rightful positions in business area. As a result, the companies lose great ideas and collaborative leadership from women. Additionally traditional beliefs deny the businesses better services from experienced women thus underutilizing their female top talents. Fourth, the article explains widely to prove that women in leadership can make tremendous changes, which brings valuable leadership skills that can help promote scotch status of business firms.There are several reasons why women are sidelined from getting the top positions in business organizations. Gender stereotypic issues give advantages to men over women. For instance, men are biased against promoting women to top management positions within their companies. They really degrade women basing on gender factor failing to realize that women control the capability to make better collaborative decisions in companies. There exist other barriers, which deter women from attaining their abundant possession of top management positions. They include inadequate role models for women, inadequate flexibility at their workings places and inadequate strategies to develop women as leaders. Mercer provides

Monday, May 13, 2019

LED520 Cross-Cultural Communication and Leadership Assignment - 1

LED520 Cross-Cultural converse and Leadership - Assignment ExampleThe dichotomy of individualism/collectivism individuals from different conclusions related with one some other on an individual level and within a group. The degree of individualism or collectivism is determined, by the way, an individual responds to groups (Earley & Gibson, 1998). Some cultures encourage members to prioritize the needs of the group while in some personalised needs come first.Power Distance, Individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity/feminism are the four propertys of culture go by Geert Hofstede (Hofstedes Intercultural Dimensions, n.d.). The Power Distance dimension refers to the level of equality/inequality in a finicky society. A society with high power distances are very unequal, and it is difficult to climb the ladder. Individualism dimension refers to the level of importance attached to individual achievements.Cultural metaphors help in understanding the difference in culture. It facilitates efficient cross-cultural communication (Vernon-Wortzel & Shrivastava, 1996). The idea is to select some social occasion that the members of a given society consider important. That thing can be used to comprehend the basic features of that given society (Vernon-Wortzel & Shrivastava, 1996). The use of cultural metaphors makes it sluttish to understand the most important features of a society.The cultural group selected for the project is Afghanistan. During the project, I had a take place to interact with Afghanistan Army soldier who also act as interpreters. It will be my first judgment of conviction to be in contact with people from Afghanistan. The Afghanistan people have a very distinct culture that is very different from the Western culture. The cultural activity entails working with the group of Afghanistan arm soldiers starting from April. We spent most of the time with soldiers because we work, eat, fellowship, and sleep beside each other.The

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Project Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

throw up counsel - Research Paper ExampleProject caution could be defined as a demonstrate where individuals apply their knowledge, skills and techniques in order to acoustic foxion activities to meet the protrusion requirement. In other words, construe management involves activities such as devisening, scheduling and controlling of activities to achieve the desired objectives of the pop the question. As defined by Cleland and Gareis (2006), project management is successful when it follows the process which includes initiating, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing of a project to meet the project requirement. The Project Management Institute defines project management as application of skills and knowledge along with tools and techniques to meet the project requirement (Barkley, 2006). Hamilton (2004) divided project management into 5 components, i.e., initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, control and lastly, closure of a project.Project life-time cycle in dicates all the project phases that a project has to go through in order to be completed. In other words, it is a collection of project phases that are divided so that the project nooky be controlled and managed concordly. According to Kerzner (2009) project life-cycle is divided into four phases that indicates the beginning and ending point of a project.Furthermore, according to Kerzner (2009), the first phase of a project life cycle is the initiation phase followed by project planning, project execution and project closure. Each of the phases mentioned by Kerzner (2009) is further divided into activities which need to be through to accomplish the goal of project management. In order to further elaborate the project life cycle, individually(prenominal) of the phases is separately presented along with the activities involved at bottom the particular phase. Phase 1 Project Initiation The innovation of this phase is to identify the problems along with the opportunities that the business could focus upon. This phase also includes solutions to the problems that a business may face. In this phase, the project private instructor defines the project and the opportunities that the organization could achieve by undertaking the project (Lewis, 2006). The activities within this phase are as follows a) Developing a business case b) Undertaking a feasibleness study c) Establishing terms of reference d) Appointment of project team e) Setting up office f) performing review of this phase (Lewis, 2006). Phase 2 Project Planning The second step in the project life cycle is project planning. In this phase, the manager indicates all the activities and tasks that need to be performed. In this phase, each task is linked and the manager ties the tasks with deadlines to get the task completed within the timeframe. Within this phase, the project manager identifies the number of people required for the completion of tasks along with the identification of expenses that might inc ur during the completion of the project undertaken. The crucial activities that are involved in this phase are as follows a) mental institution of plan b) Creation of resource plan c) Creation of financial plan d) Creation of quality plan e) Creation of seek plan f) Creation of acceptance plan g) Creation of communication plan h) Creation of procurement plan i) Contracts with the suppliers j) Reviewing the success of this phase (Meredith & Mantel, 2012) Phase 3