Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The attitudes of Christianity Essay Example for Free

The attitudes of Christianity essayIslam and Christianity share a lot of similarities and differences. One of the most important similarities that they share is that they are both universal proposition organized religions. Both Islam and Christianity are monotheistic religions, believing in only one god, which is also believed by whatsoever religions researchers to be the same god, but referred with different nominatives. In the Christian religion it is referred to as Christ and in the Islam religion it is referred to as Allah.They do not only share these little similarities, but much much like the beginning of the religions. In both holy books the Bible for Christians and the Quran for Muslims, it is described the creation of the reality in the very firsts chapters. The Bible, as the Quran states that Christ created the world in six days in the otherwise hand the Quran states the same thing, but using the nominative of Allah instead than Christ. As beat advanced many diff erences born between Christianity and Islam.Christianity and Islam looked at merchants and sight form different points of views. With the age, the views of both religions of sight and merchants take hold altered in demonstrable and negative itinerarys.During the early historic period of Christianity, trade was not viewed in a positive way, but it was more than considered like an barricade that would stand and block the bridge linking a person to heaven. In fact as we can see record 1 states that being laden would place you further away from God and consequently, further away from Gods kingdom. a rich man shall scarce enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Being affluent was thought of negatively by the vernal Testament, possibly meaning that earning a lower income would draw you nearer to God.In Christianity trade was seen depending on how the merchant was divergence to use the profit, because there are two prospective to see trade. The negative way which is the one stated in Document1 is when someone trades with the purpose not to gets other people, but to benefit himself with the profit. The other way, which is different is the positive way, is muchdifferent because is the one where a merchant trades not only for benefit himself, but also to benefit others donating part of the profit. Only in this way trade wouldnt be an obstacle in the bridge linking the person to heaven but instead it would be a sort of shortcut.In fact Document 3, which describes the life of a twelfth- nose candy British wealthy merchant named St. Godric, shows that there is a positive and negative way in which Christ looks at trade. Godric, after named St. Godric, was one of the firsts to understand the ways in which Christ looks at trade because even know that the Bible, or the word of Christ, stated that a wealthy man would hardly go to heaven, St. Godric proceeded occupation. But he devoted himself to God, during his reteriment, using his wealth in charities, and aiding the unforesightful people. He sold all his possessions and distributed them among the poor. For above all things he coveted the life of a hermit. This display case shows that trade is not done only for personal benefits but that it is also done for the benefits of others, such as the poor and the sick people.During the seventh century Islam viewed merchants and trade in a positive way in fact many Muslims were traders or merchants traveling around the known world selling or trading their home goods, and so spreading the Islam culture and religion. Islam supports trade, but until a certain level. In fact Document 2, which is a part of the Muslims holy book, the Quran, instructs merchants how to trade lawfully and reliablely. If the two parties speak the truth and make it manifest, their work shall be blessed, and if they conceal and tell a lie, the blessing of their transaction shall be obliterated.On the day of judgment, the honest, truthful Muslim merchant will take rank with the martyrs of the faith This quote shows that merchants and traders were supported by the Quran, and so by the Islam religion, as long as they traded honestly between each other. In conclusion the Islam religion supported the Muslims merchants and allowed them to trade as long as they did not steal from each other and were honest.Christianity has transmuted oer the centuries. The radical changed is that Christians now accept trade in a positive way, but must be done accordingly.In Document 4, Thomas Aquinas, a leading Scholastic theologian of 1273, almost 1100 years after Document 1 was written, describes how to trade in the way that Christ will accept it. As we comport seen in Document 1, Matthew states that a merchant should not sell something to another man for more than it is worth. All thingswhatsoever you would that men should do to you do you also to them.In the opposite hand, Thomas Aquinas is tring to get word that message by saying that trade is allowed as long as the merchant doesnt cheat its costumier or sells things that are not of his property. During that period people started thinking differently because at the early years of Christianity people so trade in a negative way while during the thirteenth century people started thinking that Christ influenced people to trade and that with his presence their trading will go nearly and so we can conclude that a new similitude between Islam and Christianity born, because according to Document 2 Muslims could trade as long as they were honest between each other.Also Document 6 supports the fact that a radical changed occurred because, one of the merchants states in a letter With God always beforehand us, we will carry out your bidding. Christianitys views on trade and merchants have changed from being condemned, to being used for occasional life.Also Islams vie ws about trade and merchants got better with the years, because the Muslims like the Christians made it a daily occupation and infact in document 5 Ibn Khaldun mainly writes about the importance of trade and making profit. This is a sign of change because in Document 2 it states that you shouldnt sell something for more than it is worth. Islam, as Christianity, has not followed the writings of the Quran. This is another similarity between the two universal religions that shows that the two religions are very alike. Document 7, which describes a problem that had occurred during a trade transaction, shows that a negative change occurred in Muslims merchants they started to think to much about the profit that hey were going to make, and so forgot the writings in the Quran.Both Christianity and Islam have changed over time, due to scholars who thought openly to the New Testament and the Quran. Since trade in both ofthe religions had started off at different paces and different starting points, their views on trade and merchants turned out different. Overall, Christianitys development was more righteous and more realistic than the development of Islam. Christianity and Islam have altered because of different perspectives of scholars of their religions and due to the requirement and changes of the market.To better understand the development of trade according to Christianity, I would need an additional document that describes if the Christians merchants took advantage of the situations to cheat on their costumers or if they respected the new developments trade was allowed as long as the merchants were honest between each other. If I would have the opportunity to have that document I could make a final affirmation about the developments of Christianity from the early years until 1500 C.E.

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