Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Data Warehouse Gantt Chart and PERT Chart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Data Warehouse Gantt Chart and PERT Chart - Essay Example The task assignments have overloaded certain resources. This is because, when setting predecessors, only adjacent tasks have been considered in certain cases. For example, some of the tasks to which the resource named Goran has been allocated on the same day are 75, 76, 109 and 110. Task 76 has a dependency on task 75 and task 110 has a dependency on task 109. But, because the same resource is involved, there is a dependency between tasks 76 and 109 as well. Ignoring dependencies such as these has resulted in that resource been overloaded. Hence tasks assignments need to be reworked. The dependencies could be simplified if they were set using the summary task numbers instead of the detail task numbers. Task 170, 'Test d_contactInfo table' has tasks 109, 110 and 111 as predecessors all of which are sub tasks of task 108, the building of that table. Predecessor could be set as 108, thereby, simplifying dependency management. There are several milestone tasks. They have been used to mark significant tasks which need to be completed before proceeding to later tasks. It is not prudent to deploy the system without validating it in the two migration environments.

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